[be bét] (tính từ - adj)
1. crushed to pulp
  • ruộng lúa bị giẫm be bét: the rice crops were trampled to pulp
  • quả chuối nát be bét: the banana was crushed to pulp
2. in a

complete mess
  • tính sai be bét: the calculations were a complete mess
  • sai be bét: a lot of mistakes; filled with mistakes
  • thiếu be bét: a lot of omission
  • rượu chè be bét: to drink oneself into a complete mess
  • thiếu be thiếu bét: it was so short in number that it was a complete mess
3. in many places; plenty of; a lot of
  • lấm be bét: very dirty; covered with mud
  • máu me be bét: a lot of blood, blood is everywhere