Here is an example essay about a habit:

One of my most consistent habits is reading before bed every night. I have been doing this for as long as I can remember, and it has become an essential part of my daily routine. The act of reading has always been a way for me to unwind and escape from the stress of the day. It has been a source of comfort and relaxation for me, helping me to sleep better and feel refreshed in the morning.

The books I read before bed vary greatly, ranging from classic literature to modern-day bestsellers. I enjoy immersing myself in different worlds and experiences, and the variety keeps my reading habit fresh and exciting. I also find that reading helps to expand my knowledge and vocabulary, and has improved my writing skills over time.

One of the benefits of my reading habit is that it has helped me to develop a love of books and learning. I find myself always wanting to read more and discover new things, and this has led me to explore new genres and subjects that I never would have otherwise. It has been a great source of inspiration for me, and has allowed me to develop my creativity and imagination.

In conclusion, my reading habit has had a profound impact on my life. It has been a source of comfort, relaxation, and learning for me, and has helped me to develop a love of books and a thirst for knowledge. Whether I am reading for pleasure or to expand my mind, I know that this habit will always be a part of who I am.